I have been asked by several people to put out posts that show updates on my current projects as well as announce when I would be teaching classes again and when they will be available, so I have created my first BLOG BLAST! If you do not wish to receive these updates, you can Unsubscribe at any time by clicking the bottom of this page. -Rochelle Rose Schueler
2020 Covid Projects
What a year 2020 was! I lost my studio space because of the pandemic; however I was able to continue working on several projects using our garage space.

DISCOVERY WEST LOGOS - My first project was creating inlaid tile mosaic logos on the entry bridge for the new Discovery West neighborhood by Summit High School here in Bend, OR. It is a beautiful area with large pine trees and will be a great place for families as it is surrounded by three schools. This was a fun project to complete during the pandemic because I was by myself outdoors! I installed six logos on the bridge as you enter the neighborhood, and 2 more on the bridge fascia that you can see as you walk on the Parks and Rec trail under the bridge. Below my logos in the pedestrian underpass, there is a public art installation by artist, Douglas Robertson. His painted mural depicts representations of some of the brave "Women of Discovery" after whom many of the streets in Discovery West have been named.
AUTUMN TRANQUILITY LANDSCAPE PANELS - The second project that kept me busy during the 2020 Covid year was a commission for designing and creating a triptych of three large rusty metal

landscape panels to visually break up a long concrete wall. The client wanted the design to have a tree, mountains, and some birds. When I drew the design for the computerized laser to read it, I realized it was like a reverse mosaic! It was fun working on a new challenge with corten steel and I got to play with my welder again!
MYSTERY PROJECT - And the third project that kept me very busy over the fall and winter is the Mystery Project. Stay tuned for my next Blog Blast!