Ripple Effect

In December 2018, Ripple Effect was juried into the coveted Mosaic Arts International 2019: Architectural & Site-Specific Mosaic Exhibition, a juried international exhibition, Nashville Public Library (Nashville, TN).
2017-8 Bend, Oregon
“Ripple Effect Mural” Community-involved mosaic for the Little Stone Project
Design by Rochelle Rose-Schueler of Wild Rose Artworks
Production by Rochelle Rose-Schueler of Wild Rose Artworks with members of the community at the Little Stone Project.
Born from feelings of a divided country, political unease, and a dramatic winter in the Pacific Northwest, The Little Stone Project began with a question: “What power does an individual have when national and global challenges seem insurmountable to change?” Project organizer Cheryl Parton gained hope from work she was doing with a purpose-driven local company and by seeing how companies and artisans were changing the way we could affect larger systems and address social issues. What if each one of us activated our passions, talents and skills and directed them toward good even in a small way? After learning about a soon-to-be released film called “Little Stones” that explored this idea by showcasing 4 women around the world that use their art for social change, the Little Stone Project was hatched and designed for all ages to be inspired and to activate as “little stones”.
Cheryl Parton contacted me with her idea about having the film “Little Stones” shown here in Bend, and what I thought about creating a 4-day art weekend around the film and creating a community-involved mosaic mural for the event. I thought it was a great idea, so I got involved in helping her with the planning.
Over 4 days in November 2017, local artists and art enthusiasts joined director, Sophia Kruz for a screening of her award-winning documentary film Little Stones, art lectures, art workshops, and an art symposium. At the film screening at The Tower Theatre, I introduced my concept and design for my “Ripple Effect” tile mural and invited the public to place a “little stone” (piece of tile) into the background of the mosaic over the next 3 days and hopefully become inspired to be a little stone in a mosaic of larger social movements and connections.
My inspiration for “Ripple Effect” came from the documentary film by Sophia Kruz. My concept of an abstract ripple is to show how I want my art to be an inspiration for people in my community to discover their own power to create change and connect in the world and how their own unique skills and talents can make continuous ripples of change within their community if they just start with a “little stone”.